Monday, December 7, 2009


It seems like the only thing in the news for the past week has been Tiger Woods' accident. It is funny because I will be watching the news thinking that I might actually get by without hearing about it, but it never fails that they will sneak it in at the end! I think Tiger's biggest mistake was not making a statement about the accident right after it happened. The only information the public was given was that he had a wreck at 2:30 in the morning, alcohol was not involved, and his wife broke the back window with a golf club. Of course the public is left making their own assumptions which is what leads to rumors and stories being spread around. All of this ended up biting Tiger in the butt because those rumors and stories ended up being somewhat true and he ended up having to come clean. While all this is fine and dandy, I believe that there is a bigger issue here. My roommate asked me the other day what kind of response I thought Tiger would get when he won his next tournament. Sadly enough I had to reply that I thought that it would be the same response that he has always gotten, if not bigger. The same thing happened with Kobe Bryant and Alex Rodriguez when they came out and said they were (in other words-got caught) cheating on their wives/girlfriends. Their careers didn't go down the drain at all...if anything there was more attention placed on them which made them more popular. I was watching Chelsea Lately a few nights ago and of course Tiger Woods came up and she made the comment that all professional athletes basically have the go ahead to cheat on their wives. It is such a sad statement, but in some sense it is true...Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Alex Rodriguez being prime examples of this. The wives/girlfriends are always the ones that look in the wrong. Something isn't right here.