Monday, September 28, 2009

Why just girls? What about the boys?

As we were sitting in class the other day talking about "My name is not Maria" and how females seem to have to act a certain way when they get to a certain age, I started thinking about this email that I got after our first football game this season regarding tailgating. It was made clear that our President and other WKU officials were extremely disappointed in the behavior of students, especially the females. Later, we find out that the main issue was girls dancing on the back of trucks. Now, I'm not saying that the girls on the back of the trucks weren't dancing and having maybe a little too good of a time...but for every girl that I saw on the back of a truck, there was a guy right beside her...some dancing and having just as good a time as the girls, if not more! What frustrates me about the email is that it was targeted toward the female population on campus and nothing was said about the guys who were doing the exact same thing. So as we were talking about "My name is not Maria" and the rest of the chapter, I could relate a lot more to what the book was talking about. It DOES seem like females have to grow into this "acceptable" gender role that has all these rules and regulations, while males can do the exact same things we do and its okay because they are guys. Why is it okay for them and not us? Sometimes its just not fair being a girl!

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