Monday, October 5, 2009


This week we read an article about high school senior girls hazing the freshman girls and getting away with it like nothing was wrong. These girls were doing everything from name calling to beating the crap out of these little freshman girls....and when the freshman girls were being questioned about it, they acted like nothing was happening. All of this is so bizarre to me! I started thinking back to my high school days and how scared I was to walk into what seemed like a HUGE high school. The only thing I was really worried about was getting lost and missing a class or walking in late and looking like the lost little freshman. I can't imagine what it would've been like to have to worry about that AND watching your back to make sure no one was coming to attack you! The only form of "hazing" that we really did was in sports...but it was no where near what these girls are doing. Occasionally we would have to carry a senior's bag off the game bus or fill up the water bottles before practice but that was about it. No getting our faces smashed in or any of that crazy stuff. I think what is the most shocking to me is that these are GIRLS doing these crazy hazing scandals. Its interesting to read different articles in class about girls and how we are supposed to one article we are supposed to be prissy little well behaved girly girls....and in the next its okay to beat other girls' faces in because we can get away with it and no one will name names. Kind of ironic I think.

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